
What can I do to prevent abuse in the long run?

More needs to be done to challenge and change the social structures that allow women and children to be abused in the first place. For example, women are still often denied power or resources because they are women. As long as this continues, violence against women will too.

Many prevention programs focus on helping people who have been abused to not be abused again. We need to address the root causes of violence as well, and take measures to improve the position of women and children in society.

How you can make a difference

Here are some things you can do to help build an abuse-free community:

Support organizations that help people deal with violence
This could include your local women's shelter, advocacy centre or child protection agency.

Your support could improve the help that is available and how quickly they get it.

Support parenting and school programs that look at teacher training and curriculum.
All children must learn from an early age that oppression and violence of any kind are not acceptable.

This is more possible if they learn in school not to be sexist, racist, or homophobic (anti-gay).

Explore positive ways to discipline children
Seek ways to punish them that aren't physical. Be aware that other ways you deal with your children can affect them emotionally. For example, children get strong messages from the way you speak to them.

Expose them to positive, caring kinds of physical touch. That way they will know the difference if they are being abused.

Talk openly with your children about abuse
How you talk to them may depend on their age. Tell them that they have a right to be free from abuse of any kind from anyone. This includes family members.

Challenge stereotypes of women and families in the media.
Organize your community to demand that there be less violence on television.

Speak out against human rights violations of any kind.
It's important for children to see adults around them who will not tolerate any type of violence. This can be either personal, or violence that's part of the larger system. No one deserves to be abused, no matter what their gender, age, race, culture, religious faith, sexual orientation, or ability.

Get help for yourself if you use physical force to control anyone in your life.
The United Nations has declared 2000-2010 the Decade of Non-Violence. We can all start now working in our own homes and communities to stop violence against women and children.

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